
Rates & Insurance

Feya Health Accepts Insurance Coverage

We accept ALL Out Of Network Insurance Plans and can instantly verify your insurance benefits on your free consult call. All of our therapy sessions including our Ketamine & Oxytocin Assisted Therapy sessions are covered by out of network Insurance.

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Feya Health Session Rates

Feya Content

Virtual & In-person Feya Health Psychotherapy Session

60 minutes

$75-400 sliding scale rate range

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Virtual Ketamine & Oxytocin Psychiatric Evaluation Session with the Head Psychiatrist


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Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Session

90 minutes-2 hours

$200-600 sliding scale rate range

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Ketamine & Oxytocin Assisted Psychotherapy

90 minutes -2 Hours

$200-600 sliding scale rate range

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Oxytocin Assisted Psychotherapy Session

60 minutes


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Ketamine & Oxytocin Integration Psychotherapy Session

60 minutes

$75-400 sliding scale rate range

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Group Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy

3 Hours (4 people per group)


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